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8th Coventry Ophthalmic Surgery Cadaver Course

8th Coventry Ophthalmic Surgery Cadaver Course

7th, 8th and 9th Nov 2023, 8.30 am to 6.00 pm                                             

West Midlands Surgical Training Centre,                

University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry CV22DX

       Course Organisers:  Purnima Mehta & Harpreet Ahluwalia

An exciting opportunity to learn & practise the following procedures using Fresh Frozen Cadaver in our purpose built dissection facility.  The course will have minimal didactic lectures, a high trainer: trainee ratio and ample opportunity to practise each of the surgical procedures. 

Day 1: Basic Oculoplastic and Squint module

Session 1:Lateral Canthotomy + Cantholysis, Lateral Tarsal Strip, Tarsorraphy, Wedge excision and repair

Session 2:Horizontal muscle and Vertical muscle Squint surgery, Suturing and Lid Local Anaesthetic techniques

                     Day 2: Intermediate Oculoplastic module
Session 1: Ptosis surgery, Blepharoplasty, Lower Lid and Canalicular laceration repair 

Session 2: Enucleation and Evisceration

                        Day 3: Advance Oculoplastic module

Session 1: External Dacryocystorhinostomy and Reconstruction of Eyelids

Session 2: Exenteration

Course Fees:

Early bird Registration (until 10th September): £475/ 1 day,  £900/2 days,  £1075/3 days

Late Registration (after 10th September):          £525/ 1 day, £ 950/2 days,  £1100/3 days

The course attracts 7 CPD points per day. Accommodation details will be available on the website. Please sign up as soon as possible, due to limited availability of places for dissection. To book please go to the following link: